How to deal with pre-wedding stress

Your wedding day is one of the most important moments in your life and it's fast approaching! However, as the big day approaches, the stress can often take over, causing our brides and grooms to feel anxious. This pre-wedding stress is normal, but it is important to prioritise yourself and take steps to help you manage this stress so you're able to fully enjoy your special day with your special one.

Here's some tips and tricks to deal with your pre-wedding stress -
Step 1- Start planning early:
One of the most common factors with pre wedding stress is that feeling that you are unprepared and unorganised. It’s good to get things underway early so you can space your planning out and take things at a slower pace. Keep a checklist of all your tasks so you cross every step off as you go and stay organised.
Tip: Don't forget to treat yourself with something sweet after a task is complete.

Step 2- Prioritise self care:
It's easy to get lost in the wedding planning process but it's important to take a couple of moments for yourself. Put yourself first during this process, make sure you sleep lots, eat well and keep moving along! Make time for yourself to enjoy a spa or a nice relaxing massage to de-stress. You need a pamper session, remember you want to look your best for your big day!
Tip: You can organise a cute day spa session with your bridal party as a fun de-stress.

Step 3- Lean on your support system:
There is no doubt that this process can be a stressful one so that's why it is important to surround yourself with the most supportive people possible. Whether it be family, friends (or even your furry best friend!), everyone needs someone to lean on especially when they are under a lot of stress.

Step 4- Delegate tasks:
We know how hard it can be to let go of the reins and let someone else take over planning your big day but sometimes it's necessary and extremely helpful! Wedding planners or handing out tasks to the people you trust may set your mind at ease knowing that things are all taken care of. A weight can be lifted off your shoulders so that you can enjoy the day ahead.

Step 5- Just have fun:
As stressful as this day can be, it is going to be the most memorable day of your life so just have fun, laugh and remember that all your stress and hard work is going to pay off!
Tip: It’s okay to have a break sometimes or have a bit of a cry just know you’re not alone!

Enjoy this process as much as you can, just take a breather and pop a bottle of champagne and get excited for your big day! Remember, the most important thing is that you're marrying the person you love, and everything else is just details.
Photo Credit:
Zee & Cee Studio
Neaton Photography
Jack Gilchrist Photography
Moments Photography